Wandering Herbals
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Yellow Dock root is excellent liver medicine, strengthening, toning and protecting this hardworking organ, promoting the production of bile to assist healthy digestion, and is also a gentle laxative. Helping the body to properly absorb and use minerals, especially iron. If you suffer from anemia or have low iron levels, yellow dock may of use for you. As a tincture, the medicine itself does not contain iron, but rather assists the liver and body to properly absorb the iron in your food. The root itself can be eaten as food or made into tea or syrups and is an excellent iron source.

Autumn and winter are the best times to dig for these turmeric coloured roots, when the first – year plants are dormant for the colder months and the plant has focused its energy below ground. I have my digging grounds down by the Blackwood River. It’s like hunting for jewels, checking each root for the desired flash of orange and gold. There’s the added bonus of generous plumes of edible seeds, ready to grind into flour later.


30mL, 50mL, 100mL


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