Wandering Herbals
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Dandelion root as a tincture is great kidney, liver and digestive medicine, supporting these organs to flush out waste and excess water from the body and produce the right fluids for proper digestion. Useful in cases of water retention and oedema, urinary tract infections, sluggish digestion, heartburn, gastrointestinal issues and diabetes. Helps the body to absorb and assimilate nutrients, break down protein in the stomach, cleanses the blood and promotes clear skin through proper waste removal and liver/kidney function. This is a personal favourite of mine to use in the summer when it’s too hot to move much, and some fluid retention may occur in your feet and ankles. A few dropperfuls of dandelion root gets it all moving as it should. Pairs well with Yellow Dock root for added digestive benefits, especially constipation, malabsorption, poor appetite.

Dandelion is a herb that is a plentiful and well-known wild plant in the Norther hemisphere, where the soils are deep and rich. True Dandelion is somewhat less of a common weed here in WA, and the soils where I live are mostly sand and gravel. Not favorites of Taraxacum, and they grow much less abundantly. They like to pop up in the vegie patch or a well-fed pot, so I grow and harvest what I can but supplement the majority with quality dried herb I have purchased. I recently discovered that the weed Hawksbit, which does grow wild in abundance here, can be used in the same way as Taraxacum officinale and shares very similar properties.


30mL, 50mL, 100mL


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