Tinctures Archives - Wandering Herbals https://wanderingherbals.com/product-category/tinctures/ Lovingly handcrafted herbal medicine Thu, 08 Feb 2024 06:53:00 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 Ashwagandha https://wanderingherbals.com/product/ashwagandha/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/ashwagandha/#respond Thu, 23 Feb 2023 10:39:56 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=612 Imported/Homegrown Withania somniferum root.

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Ashwagandha is a fantastic adaptogen herb helping to control the body’s responses to stress and anxiety. Widely used in Ayuervedic medicines and a favorite of athletes. It moderates the brain releasing stress hormones, and studies have shown it can also rebuild neural pathways after injury. It really has a noticeable positive impact on one’s ability to deal with daily stresses in life and keep the mood much more stable and even. Ashwagandha can help boost testosterone and infertility in men, increase oxygen uptake during sports, help sleep patterns, and it is widely considered to be safe for everyone, although very high doses can have adverse effects esp. during pregnancy, when caution and further research should be exercised. Ashwa meaning “horse”, this herb is said to instill one with the strength and vitality of a stallion, and the fresh root is meant to smell like the sweat of a horse. This is one tincture you may need to wash down with a little juice!
The pungent roots used to make this medicine are purchased as a quality dried product and supplemented with homegrown each year. I’m still trying to grow enough Ashwagandha to fulfill my needs!

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Wild Olive Leaf https://wanderingherbals.com/product/wild-olive-leaf/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/wild-olive-leaf/#respond Wed, 25 Jan 2023 06:32:42 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=542 Wild Olea europa, high proof alcohol

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Olive leaf is an excellent antiviral to include in treatments against colds and flu but is also credited with helping to manage many conditions, including diabetes and high blood pressure. Research shows that olive leaf extract prevents “bad” cholesterol from building up in the arteries. It has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and has demonstrated beneficial effects on the kidneys. If you are already taking medication for any of these conditions, you should check with your doctor before using olive leaf if you haven’t used it before.

These leaves were picked from a wild, feral olive that I discovered growing in the pine plantations behind Nannup. Sprouted in between two rocks and twisted and hardy. Probably sprouted from a seed dropped by a parrot, this plant’s medicine I felt was far more potent than a pampered backyard olive tree.

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Dandelion Root https://wanderingherbals.com/product/dandelion-root/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/dandelion-root/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:21:39 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=428 Imported Taraxacum offincinale root in high proof alcohol. Supplemented with wild and homegrown roots whenever possible.

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Dandelion root as a tincture is great kidney, liver and digestive medicine, supporting these organs to flush out waste and excess water from the body and produce the right fluids for proper digestion. Useful in cases of water retention and oedema, urinary tract infections, sluggish digestion, heartburn, gastrointestinal issues and diabetes. Helps the body to absorb and assimilate nutrients, break down protein in the stomach, cleanses the blood and promotes clear skin through proper waste removal and liver/kidney function. This is a personal favourite of mine to use in the summer when it’s too hot to move much, and some fluid retention may occur in your feet and ankles. A few dropperfuls of dandelion root gets it all moving as it should. Pairs well with Yellow Dock root for added digestive benefits, especially constipation, malabsorption, poor appetite.

Dandelion is a herb that is a plentiful and well-known wild plant in the Norther hemisphere, where the soils are deep and rich. True Dandelion is somewhat less of a common weed here in WA, and the soils where I live are mostly sand and gravel. Not favorites of Taraxacum, and they grow much less abundantly. They like to pop up in the vegie patch or a well-fed pot, so I grow and harvest what I can but supplement the majority with quality dried herb I have purchased. I recently discovered that the weed Hawksbit, which does grow wild in abundance here, can be used in the same way as Taraxacum officinale and shares very similar properties.

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Saint John’s Wort https://wanderingherbals.com/product/saint-johns-wort/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/saint-johns-wort/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 11:18:14 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=425 Wild Hypericum perforatum blossoms, high proof alcohol

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Saint John’s Wort is a famous herb often cited in the treatment of depression. SJW can be useful in cases of mild melancholy and sadness, seasonal affectation disorder. Its essence reminds us that the sun is till shining and better times are not far away. It’s also a fantastic nerve medicine, useful in cases of sciatica, neuralgia, and damaged nerves. It can be used internally (tincture) or topically (infused oil) in the case of treating nerve issues. It is also a potent antiviral, particularly useful in cases of cold sores, herpes and shingles where stress and depleted immunity are a factor. SJW can interfere with other medications, mainly in the way that they are metabolized. If you are taking other medication, YOU MUST check with your doctor before using Saint John’s Wort internally in any form.
These gorgeous blossoms take a bit of work to get! Blooming only for a few short weeks in the peak of summer, Sant John’s Wort grows wild on the dry summer hills behind Nannup. One must venture out in the heat and flies and hike a small mountain in order to obtain the small golden blooms, but it is worth the trek. When crushed they release a purple red oil, they are infused into alcohol or raw olive oil to create potent wild medicines.

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Hawthorn https://wanderingherbals.com/product/hawthorn/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/hawthorn/#comments Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:13:51 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=419 Imported Cratageus monogyna berries in high proof alcohol

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Hawthorn is a famous heart medicine that’s been around for centuries. It is used to help protect and nourish the heart itself and help balance high or low blood pressure and control high cholesterol. Studies conclude Hawthorn increase coronary artery blood flow, increases circulation and strengthens heart contractions. It is also energy medicine for the emotional/etheric heart. Opens the heart to giving and receiving love, self-love and self-acceptance. It can also be useful in helping to heal broken hearts and build courage. Hawthorn is widely considered as safe for long term, even daily use, though if you are currently taking heart medication it’s best to check with your doctor first.

While Hawthorn grows wild as a pest in eastern Australia, choking ditches and roadsides, it is virtually unknown here. There is one small stand of trees in a town not far from mine, several friends and I have been trying without success to propagate cuttings or seeds, so I purchase quality dried haws for now. One day, I will have my own Hawthorn tree. I really love this medicine; it is one I take every day to keep my heart strong and healthy. The flavor of this tincture is sweet enough to take directly under the tongue, it tastes like cherries and calms a racing heart immediately.

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Yellow Dock https://wanderingherbals.com/product/yellow-dock/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/yellow-dock/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:11:09 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=416 Wild Rumex crispus root in high proof alcohol.

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Yellow Dock root is excellent liver medicine, strengthening, toning and protecting this hardworking organ, promoting the production of bile to assist healthy digestion, and is also a gentle laxative. Helping the body to properly absorb and use minerals, especially iron. If you suffer from anemia or have low iron levels, yellow dock may of use for you. As a tincture, the medicine itself does not contain iron, but rather assists the liver and body to properly absorb the iron in your food. The root itself can be eaten as food or made into tea or syrups and is an excellent iron source.

Autumn and winter are the best times to dig for these turmeric coloured roots, when the first – year plants are dormant for the colder months and the plant has focused its energy below ground. I have my digging grounds down by the Blackwood River. It’s like hunting for jewels, checking each root for the desired flash of orange and gold. There’s the added bonus of generous plumes of edible seeds, ready to grind into flour later.

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Pine Resin https://wanderingherbals.com/product/pine-resin/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/pine-resin/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:09:23 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=414 Wild Pinus radiata resin in high proof alcohol.

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Pine sap is a very powerful expectorant and is best used following a “quit smoking detox” using the mullein leaf first. Whereas mullein leaf works mainly on the upper lung, pine resin reaches deep down into the depths, breaking up old hard matter. Be prepared for serious hacking and coughing to shift that matter, there’s really no other way for it to get out, but the benefits are well worth it when you feel like you have a new pair of lungs!

I collect this Pine resin from living pines trees – its leaks naturally when a branch is broken or the bark is wounded in some way. The resin is the tree’s way of protecting its wounds, and it has powerful antibiotic and drawing properties as well.

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Mullein Leaf https://wanderingherbals.com/product/mullein-leaf/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/mullein-leaf/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:07:24 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=411 Wild Verbascum virgatum or homegrown Verbascum thaspus leaf in high proof alcohol.

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Mullein has been used as a premier lung healing herb for centuries, and a plant you may have stumbled across before. It is certainly popular at the moment, with Covid.  Working mostly on the upper pectoral area, Mullein is used to treat everything from bronchitis, asthma, respiratory catarrh and whooping cough, to tobacco cravings and “smoking detox”. Mullein leaf will open up your airways and soften and loosen matter and promote gentle expectoration. Great for wheezing and feeling matter sitting at the top of your chest. The dried leaf and flowers can also be taken as a tea or even smoked as a method of healing lung tissue and helping to reduce tobacco cravings. This tincture is great for long term daily use when quitting smoking or healing from/coping with an illness, but an also be taken by squirting directly under the tongue to aid with immediate breathing issues or a stubborn “frog in the throat”.

Mullein is probably my favorite herb and I worked with her a lot when in NZ. Here I made use of a different wild variety, but the woolly mullein that is traditionally used wasn’t around yet. One year, I discovered a lone seedling by the corner of the bakery, who knows where she came from, but that seedling became the mother of all the Woolly Mullein plants in Nannup, and the provider of all the material for the mullein leaf medicine I make. An imposing queen, she sticks out in the landscape with her giant fluffy leaves and people are drawn to her like moths to a flame. There is certainly something about this plants that speaks to people, and I feel honored to count her as one of my herbal allies.

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Mullein Root https://wanderingherbals.com/product/mullein-root/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/mullein-root/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 19:05:01 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=408 Wild Verbascum virgatum root in high proof alcohol.

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Mullein root is incredible medicine for the spine and the bladder. As we get older, or due to injury, the cushioning pads between our vertebrae stop producing so much lubrication of synovial fluids. The mullein root stimulates production of this fluid, and also encourages straightening and alignment of the spine itself. Great to use when you find yourself all kinked up after an hard day’s work, or the next morning upon rising stiff and bent. For the bladder it will help strengthen the trigone muscles at the base of the bladder, meaning you can hold more for longer and inflammation and the urge to “go” is reduced. It takes about 2 weeks of regular use to notice a difference in bladder strength, but it’s great for helping out with bed-wetting due to irritation and weakness, and incontinence due to age, injury or post pregnancy.

The roots in this tincture were harvested from the first flush of young wild mullein that came up for the year. This is a tincture that may take some sustained daily use (2-3 weeks) before you notice a difference. For some, the change is immediate, sometimes bladder irritation is reduced within hours and muscles and bones will straighten and align themselves almost instantly. You may find that over time with sustained use, you might only need a few drops to feel the effects. Like the body remembers the medicine and you only need a taste to activate it.

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Usnea https://wanderingherbals.com/product/usnea/ https://wanderingherbals.com/product/usnea/#respond Tue, 28 Sep 2021 18:43:32 +0000 https://wanderingherbals.com/?post_type=product&p=391 Double extracted Wild Usnea barbarta, high proof alcohol.

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Usnea is a potent little medicinal lichen. Its great to include usnea whenever you are fighting an infection, it’s an incredible antiviral and will easily fight common viral infections such as Strep and Staph without destroying healthy gut bacteria. Particularly suited for lung ailments such as bronchitis, pneumonia, strep throat, colds and flus, kidney, bladder or urinary tract infections. Promotes a healthy immune response in the respiratory system, kidneys, and urinary system. Great to use in combination with other herbs like garlic, mullein or elderberry, depending on what you are aiming to treat.

I have two favorite spots to collect my Usnea – one is a big old half fallen grandaddy pine tree, who is bearded all over with Usnea. The second spot is under the river bridge on a particular spot of acacias. They are always generous. This tincture is specially made – it is double extracted to make sure all parts of the available medicine are collected.

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